Monday 27 April 2020

In the Front Garden

Every morning, when we go on Bear Hunt duty in the front bedroom window, we look down onto Polar and Grizzly's front garden.  We have often seen it from the car as we've gone out on our adventures, but we'd never been out to play there until last week.

Hanley Bear had a little run out there on his way to the bluebell woods, and he told us there was a springy lawn with wild flowers, climbable trees, and a pond with a fountain. 

So we asked if we could all go out to see, and Polar agreed.

Hanley was right about the lawn.  The areas that had been cut were perfect for jumping and rolling on, as they were very springy, but our favourite part hadn't been cut, as there were wild bluebells growing there. 

There were several small fruit trees growing there too. 
Polar said most of them were planted the year she and Grizzly moved in but they were dwarf trees, so she could pick all the fruit and do pruning without climbing ladders. 
That meant we could climb right to the top and still be rescued if we got stuck!

Then we ran along one of the little stone paths to look at the little pond and fountain.  The fountain works from a small solar panel, which Hanley Bear found fascinating

There are tulips in the top flowerbed, that gets plenty of sunshine, which are taller than bears.  Polar says there are lots more flowers later in the year, which we can look out for from our window.
We had another run on the grass before it was time to have tea, and I had an idea.

'Polar,' I asked, 'Would you let us give away some spare plants to our delivery people?'
'Since I can't do my CAB plant sale this year, I think that's a very good idea, little bears,' she said.

So we made a sign and some labels for some of the herbs, and put them out by the front door.
While we were by the front door, I was curious to take a closer look at the basket where the milkman leaves our milk, eggs and butter to keep the morning sun off of it.  But I was a clumsy small bear, and I fell in!

Hanley Bear had to call Polar to lift me out.  She laughed and gave us all hugs, then took us inside to have tea and cake with Grizzly.

Polar says we can play in the front garden whenever she is working out there but we mustn't go out there on our own, in case any human cubs take a liking to us and we get bear-napped!

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