Wednesday 22 November 2017

Bears in Burslem

After my last post, I'm sure you will be pleased to know that I haven't been turned into a hat for one of the Queen's guards, and nor has my friend Hanley Bear.  This may be because we are such small bears that we wouldn't make big enough hats. 
We are still in Stoke-on-Trent, at Polar and Grizzly's house, unless we are out exploring the Six Towns together.  Hanley and I went to Burslem recently, which is the town just north of Hanley (the town, not the bear). 
It is famous for its beautiful buildings, including the School of Art, Wedgwood Institute and the old Town Hall with a golden angel on top. 

Grizzly says they also brew very good beer there.  Hanley and I are only small bears and we aren't allowed to drink beer, so I cannot say for certain if this is true, but Grizzly is a very honest human so I expect it is.
There is a very famous pottery near Burslem called the Middleport Pottery, which Hanley Bear and I went to see.  We explored the old pottery buildings, looked at the very pretty china made by the clever people who work there, and had a very big vegetarian breakfast on proper china plates. 
There was also a real working narrowboat there.  It was much longer than Uppie, but only had a little cabin for people and a big hold for freight.  Because we are boat bears, we went aboard it to explore, despite a sign telling us to keep off, and we climbed up a crane too! 
Polar told we were bad bears and put us back in the bear bag, but that was really only because we were going to Burslem Park, where she said we could run around without getting into trouble.

The Six Towns of Stoke-on-Trent have lots of nice parks, according to Hanley Bear.  They have trees and ponds and playing fields.  They have playgrounds, too, where human cubs can go on swings and slides, and also climb things, as if they were bears!  We ran about in the park and talked to the ducks, and we talked to some grown-up humans playing bowls, which is a game of skill and very good exercise for human elders.
We did one of our #BearsBackingTheBid poses next to the pond for Polar, with Hanley waving his special Stoke-on-Trent flag, so we could help her tell people from outside this city how nice it is, using something called Twitter.  I will have to ask my bird friends about this.  

Polar says there is a special artists' day on Twitter today (Wednesday 22nd November), which is why I wanted to do a post about Burslem, although there are artists in all of the Six Towns, because lots of Stoke-on-Trent people are clever and creative.

I will tell you more about my adventures on Uplander II and how I can be clever and creative too, very soon.

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