Friday 17 April 2020

Garden Bears' World - In the Greenhouse with Endon

Hello everyone!  It's me, little Endon Bear, with another update for Garden Bears' World, looking at how some of the things we planted recently are growing.  This is how things were at the beginning of this week.

Polar and I started in the lean-to greenhouse, which is always very warm and catches the sun almost all day.  We saw that we had mixed results with the packs of old salad seeds - some trays are full of tasty baby leaves, while others have just a few small shoots showing through and some are just little trays of compost!  Polar says we should re-sow those soon, if nothing happens.
Sonning's brassicas were all growing away very well.  Soon, we will have to decide which seedling to keep in each module, and we bears will nibble the thinnings as a little snack!
Then Polar carried me down the garden to the polycarbonate greenhouse, which is shadier.  I had a great surprise, because she had tidied it up and built some new shelves for the Sarracenia plants she grows in there.  Our special bear tools were lined up neatly on the potting bench.
On the other side of the greenhouse were the pots where we had sown quite old carrot seeds and planted new potatoes.  I was really excited to see that the carrots were growing, although some weeds are too!  Polar says we might have baby carrots to eat next month.
 My potatoes were growing too, so Polar used some compost from the spare tub to 'earth up' the plants, then I planted some more seed potatoes in the third tub.  Hopefully, this will give us a succession of baby new potatoes. 
When we had finished in the greenhouse, we made sure the window was closed and door firmly shut, as the weather forecast was for a cool night, then pulled some rhubarb for our tea.  It will be Hanley Bear's turn to help next, so look out for a post from him, very soon!

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