Saturday 25 April 2020

Hanley Bear has an Adventure

Ay up, everyone!  It's me, Hanley Bear, writing another guest post for Sonning's blog.  This one is about an adventure I had with Grizzly and Polar, when I was allowed to leave our house and garden and join them for a walk in the countryside near our house.

Because there are lots of extra things they have to do to stay safe from the nasty virus, Polar said only one bear could come on the walk and the other bears said I could go.  They are the best pals a bear could have!

Before we left, I was allowed to have a quick run in the front garden, where there were bluebells in the lawn and these pretty flowers in the border.  Polar says they are called Pagoda Lilies.

Polar put me in the Bear Bag and she and Grizzly set off along their road and up the footpath to the main road.  Usually it is very busy and they have to use the crossing with traffic lights but, on our walk day, there were very few cars coming and we crossed easily. 

Soon we were on another footpath where we had brilliant views towards Mow Cop (the hill with a ruined castle on top, that's actually a folly) and Newchapel, where Mr Brindley the canal engineer, who is one of my human heroes, is buried. 

The path drops down into some woods, where the bluebells were just starting to flower.  I asked Polar if I could do some running and climbing.

'As long as you are a good bear, and don't climb too high, or go to close to other people,' she said.  But we saw very few other people, and they all stayed a long way away, even people who were friends.

I enjoyed climbing and running and exploring, but I wished my small bear pals, Sonning and Endon, were with me.  Adventures are great, but they are even better with your friends.

I am a very lucky small bear because I live in North Staffordshire, which I think is the best place in the whole world, although Grizzly says I can't be sure of that, because I haven't been to that many other places.  Of course, I can't go to other places just now, but that doesn't matter too much because I am in my favourite place, my home county of Staffordshire! 

I jumped back into the Bear Bag to be carried back up the hill from the woods to our house, where I could see Endon and Sonning waving from the front window, next to our Going on a Bear Hunt sign.  I quickly climbed up the stairs to tell them where I had been and what I'd seen.

Polar brought us all tea and a giant stroopwafel to share and promised the other bears that they would be taken out for walks too.

Maybe, if we promise to be very good bears, we'll all go out together again?

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