Saturday 9 October 2021

Garden Bears' World - Harvest Time on the Allotment

 Hello again everyone!  It's time for another Garden Bears' World and this one is about the harvest from the allotment.

We have grown our best tomatoes here, as they get more sunshine than at home and the insects can get in through the louvre windows to pollinate the plants easily.

Polar grew a variety called Cherokee Purple which are very big (as big as a small bear's head) and very tasty, as well as the stripy Tigerella and Green Zebra.
After picking the tomatoes, it was time to check on Chomper B's magic beans and Polar's experiment to see which grew best.  We decided that there wasn't much difference at all, although the bigger, pink/brown seeds seemed to produce more short, fat pods that tended to be stringy, so Polar isn't going to save those for next year and will concentrate on the typical purple/black beans and the white/brown ones, which both did best. 
Polar and Grizzly dug the last of their potatoes too.  Grizzly lifted the big Sarpo Mira potatoes, while I helped Polar find all the funny-shaped Pink Fir Apple ones.
Polar says we ought to have lifted these a couple of weeks ago, as the slugs had got into some of them and made big holes, and the rain had washed the soil away from others, so they had gone green, but most of them were sound, even if they were very odd shapes indeed!
We were pleased to see the broccoli and leeks both still growing very well, although the leeks are a little bit late.  Polar says the purple sprouting broccoli looks like it might be rather early, though!
Here are some more pictures of the tomatoes when we got them home, because I am very proud of them and they look so bright and cheerful.
This weekend, Polar says she will pick the ones still on the plants and take the plants down, as they won't be happy when the weather gets colder anyway, and it will stop them going mouldy and spreading disease in the greenhouses.  
But at least we can enjoy some summery tomato salads before the cooler weather arrives!

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