Tuesday 19 May 2020

Garden Bears' World - At the Allotment

We bears are doing what it says on our T-shirts most of the time but Polar and Grizzly do take us out very occasionally.  On Saturday, we all went to the allotment and we took a picnic lunch with us.

We sat on Polar's scarf and enjoyed one each of the cheese scones that Hanley Bear had made, while Polar and Grizzly planned what they were going to do.

They had some hard work ahead, turning over the compost heaps to help them rot down better and moving them further back from the greenhouse. 

While they were working, we went to explore behind the shed, where there was a new sunny space, now the big hedge had been trimmed back.  Polar had transplanted some daffodil bulbs into it.  We thought it would be an ideal spot to plant the 'seed bomb' wild flowers we won in the raffle, once we've had some rain.

Then we climbed up to the new path Polar and Grizzly were making, so they could look after the hedge and keep it neat when it started growing again.  At the moment, it's perfect for climbing, so that's what we did.

Then Hanley Bear went to see how the work on the compost heaps was going.  He didn't want to be late home, because there was going to be a classic Stoke City football match on the radio.
Grizzly said they were doing well, but would finish off another day, as Polar had another job to do for now, which was planting Endon's tomato plants in their big pots.

We all came in to help.  Endon dugs some holes in the compost in the big pots, then Polar carefully turned out the plants and  put them into their pots.

When all the tomato plants were in their pots, and Endon was satisfied that they were well-watered and happy in their new home, we decided there was just time for another exploration.
We checked the framework of canes that Polar had put up for the runner beans we are growing from the seeds sent to us by our friend Chomper B. 

Hanley Bear said he was worried that the canes wouldn't be strong enough for big bean plants and Polar agreed, so she says she will take some of the hazel poles from our garden down to reinforce it.

After that, we went to check how the onions and garlic were growing.  We are still eating some that we grew last year but they will run out soon, so we hope this year's won't be too long.

Hanley Bear worked out from where the sun was that it must be nearly 3 o'clock, and ran back up to where Polar and Grizzly were to remind them about the match.  Luckily, they were just packing up and soon we were all in our Bear Bag and on our way home.

When we got home, we all washed our paws.  While Hanley Bear tuned the radio in the Railway Room to Radio Stoke, Endon and I went into the kitchen with Polar, to make cups of tea.  She had a lovely surprise for us - there were some small jam tarts, made especially for bears!

Endon and I put our football scarves on, so we could help Hanley Bear pretend he was in the crowd at the match.  He was very pleased, because his team won the game by four goals to three, and he enjoys games with lots of goals, but I was more interested in Grizzly's trains and all the little buildings - and the jam tarts, of course!

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