Sunday 10 March 2019

Hello from Hanley!

Ay up, everyone!  
I'm Sonning's pal Hanley and he's very kindly said I can write a piece for his blog about what it's like being a lucky mascot football bear for a team who aren't being very lucky.
I started going to Stoke City games with our human guardian Grizzly after Polar made me a red and white striped sock jumper, scarf and hat.  At first, we won lots of games and I thought it was because I was there and I was a lucky bear.  Here I am with Grizzly and his friend, Mr Steve, and holding Grizzly's season ticket.
But then we started losing, even when I cheered like mad for The Potters and sang 'Delilah' with the human fans.  In case I was an unlucky bear, Grizzly stopped taking me to the games, so I pestered Polar to put the radio on at home so I could listen to what was happening.  I missed watching the game but at least I was home in the dry.
We kept losing and, at the end of last season, we got relegated from the Premiership.  I was a very sad small bear and sure it was my fault for not being lucky enough.  Sonning eventually persuaded me that it wasn't my fault, gave me a sticky bun to cheer me up and talked Grizzly into taking me to games at the start of the new season.  If I am very lucky, I get an oatcake from Mrs Kay's famous Oatcake Boat.
We started well but, after a little while, it was clear we weren't going to get promoted back to the Premiership this season.  Luckily, Grizzly doesn't blame me for this and I still go to all the home games, rain or shine, to cheer for my team.
Last weekend, Polar and Grizzly's son George came too.  Polar said I could watch from the other end of the ground for a change.  Her camera bag was a good place to shelter from the cold wind.
We were playing Nottingham Forest.  Polar and George were in seats very near the away fans, who were very noisy and rude to us, so I went 'Booooo!' to them.  
It can be hard for a small bear to see what's happening so Polar held me up so I had a better view.  Even so, I missed our first goal as everyone around me stood up during the attack but Polar, who is very tall, had trouble wriggling out of the small seat she was in.
Luckily, I could see the goal on the big screen at the other end of the ground.  If I looked very hard, I could see Grizzly and his friends too.  

We scored another goal in the second half, at Grizzly's end of the pitch, so we won two nil.  I cheered and cheered and went 'Booo!' to the Notts Forest fans again as we were leaving.  None of them had lucky bears so it was no wonder they had lost.

I am looking forward to going to more games with Grizzly, or listening to away games with him in his railway workshop.  I have my paws and claws crossed that we will do better next season and get promoted back to the Premiership.  The manager needs to give the players oatcakes and marmalade for strength and energy.  That's what I would do!

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