Saturday 18 September 2021

A Day Out on Uppie


This is a very short little post and it is about a day out we had on Uppie last month, to deliver some of Polar's painted things to the pub where she sells them, and to get an essential job done on the boat.  

Polar and Grizzly had quite a lot of trouble getting Uppie off our mooring, because the canal has got silted up again.  Once we were under way, we turned up the Macclesfield Canal, where we had just one very small lock to work through to get to our pub. 


The Pub is called the Rising Sun and it is at a place called Scholar Green.  Polar and Grizzly love eating here, because the dinners and puddings are so nice.

Polar brought a big bag from Uppie with all the things she had painted while we had been on our journey.  There were notebooks, some little tins and two blue watering cans.

Polar packed away some of the old things that hadn't sold to make room for the new ware, which we think is nicer.
We helped her to put everything on the dresser where Mr Wade and Mrs Colleen, who run the pub, let her display her canal ware.  We were pleased to see that there was hand sanitizer for humans to use, though small bears don't have to.

When we were pleased with how everything looked, we bears and Polar went back to our table to have lunch with Grizzly.
We had fish and chips and Hanley had some beer bubbles too!

The dinners are always very tasty and nicely presented, but our favourites are the desserts and scrummy ice-creams!

We were very full small bears after that and had naps on the way home, so we missed Polar and Grizzly turning the boat around at Ramsdell Hall and getting the toilet tank pump-out done at Heritage Marina.
Perhaps it was because the boat was lighter after that, but we got back onto our mooring much more easily than we had got off!

We are hoping that Polar and Grizzly will take us on an adventure along the Peak Forest Canal this autumn, so we are going to make sure Polar gets Huddlesford's life-jacket and Waverley's float made in time, so we can all sit on the roof together if it is sunny and not too windy, as we love being Boating Bears!


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