Thursday 11 June 2020

The Interrupted Picnic

While we have been doing "Bear Hunt" window duty, we bears have enjoyed watching the flowers come out in the front garden.  One Sunday, when we were still having warm and sunny weather, Polar said we could have a picnic out there while she tidied up the roses. 
Polar put a little towel on the lawn for us to sit on and brought us cups of tea and some biscuits.  We asked if we could help with the gardening but she was feeding and dead-heading the roses.

'I'm worried that you bears will prick your paws on the thorns,' she said.  'You play on the lawn and I'll bring you some more tea when I have a break later on.'
We ran about on the grass for a while, then sat and watched Polar working, then decided to have naps before we ate our biscuits.
It was nice and shady under the plum tree and soon we were all fast asleep.
Suddenly, we felt ourselves being scooped up in Polar's arms and, when we opened our eyes, we were on the patio table in the back garden.
'Sorry about that, little bears,' said Polar.  'But the police have turned up in large numbers at a house across the street, and something very serious must be happening as there are some firearms officers with them.  I thought you would be safer back here.'

We were worried when Polar went back into the front garden to find out what was happening, but lots of our neighbours had come out of their houses too.  Later, we heard that a naughty man had upset another even naughtier man and had then been threatened by him.  Fortunately, it seems no-one was actually hurt.  

Hanley Bear said both of them deserved very *hard stares* and practised one, in case he ever saw either of them.
We saw a police car outside the house for most of the next week, while we doing our window duty but it has gone now, so we hope everyone is being sensible and that we will be able to have picnics in the front garden again when the sun comes out.

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