Tuesday 13 February 2018

Bears' Winter Olympics

Hanley Bear and I are enjoying our stay at Polar and Grizzly's house.  We have a very cosy bear basket to sleep in, and lots to do indoors, including writing my Boat Bear Blog. 
On dry days, we are allowed to run about in the garden, build dens and even climb some small trees.  However, we have had most fun when it snows, as we can play snowballs and make snowbears. 
After seeing the Winter Olympics on the news, Hanley and I had all sorts of ideas about other things we could do if it snowed again.  There was lots of snow at the weekend but, at first, it didn't settle.  Hanley and I watched the huge dark clouds rolling across the sky and the big white flakes swirling outside the window, but everything that fell on the garden seemed to melt.  We were sad, because we had found some plastic trays which were just perfect for making sledges for small bears and we wanted to try them out on the drive.
We were very excited on Monday morning when we saw that, although it was sunny, a little bit of snow had settled.  We asked Polar and Grizzly if we could go outside and test our sledges.

'You'll have to be quick, little bears,' said Grizzly.  He told us that Polar was going out soon and wanted to clear the drive of snow and ice before she drove the car over it.

Hanley and I ran up the drive carrying our sledges, put them down and jumped in.  Nothing happened at first, so we jumped up and down, leaning forward to try and make them slide.  Suddenly, we were off!
'Wheeeeee!' went Hanley Bear, leaning forward in his sledge and shooting past me. 

Unfortunately, he lost his balance and crashed his sledge but the snow was quite soft and powdery, so he just laughed and jumped up and got into his sledge again, without even brushing the snow off his nose.  When we got to the bottom of the drive we picked up our sledges and ran all the way back up to the top to go again.  This time, we went even faster and Hanley Bear didn't fall out.
'This is just like being in the Winter Olympics!' cheered Hanley.  'I wonder what other sports we could do?'

We thought it would be fun to look for a bigger tray so we could make a two-bear bobsleigh and speed down the drive together, even faster, but just then Polar came out of the door and picked us and our sledges up.

'Sorry bears, I have to go out now,' she said.  'The car wheels will squash the snow into ice if I don't sweep it up first, which will be dangerous for the postie or other visitors, so I'm afraid your sledging is over for today.'

She carried a pair of quite sulky little bears back into the kitchen but we cheered up when we found that Grizzly had made hot chocolate for us, to warm us up after our adventures. 

'There might be more snow later in the week,' I said to Hanley.  'If there is, we will definitely find something to make a bobsleigh!' 

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